Dinner Dilemma

Roz Carter
Black, Brown, and Beige
4 min readJul 12, 2019


A semi-regular feature where I answer some of life’s small questions sent in by readers.
Image by pencil parker from Pixabay

I am a loving mom, most of the time. But, when mealtime rolls around I hate my kids (this is anonymous, right?). I hate that I have to cook every day, so, most of the time we stop at the drive-thru and then I hate myself because I’m probably killing my kids. Help! What’s your solution? BTW



Roz Carter
Black, Brown, and Beige

Roz Carter writes stories with powerful Black women. She coaches and edits fiction. She loves coffee, soap operas, and her cat. Linktr.ee/blackbrownbeigewriting